Linux and HPC
Ways of using Neurocommand in Linux and HPC:
- You can use the module files for Neurocontainers directly via CVMFS:
- or you can install Neurocommand as described here:
- python 3.6+
- singularity
- git
- lmod
Setup Instructions:
Install command line (e.g. running on Linux, HPC or CVL)
- Load singularity For optimal performance, ensure you are using Singularity version 3.x:
module load singularity/3.5.0
- Load aria2 (Optional) To speed up container downloads, you can optionally install or load aria2c:
module load aria2c
- Clone and Set Up the Repository Clone the repository into a directory with enough storage and ensure you are not using a symbolic link (to be sure run cd `pwd -P`). It’s recommended to perform this setup within a Python virtual environment (venv) or a Conda environment:
git clone
cd neurocommand
pip3 install -r neurodesk/requirements.txt --user
bash --cli
# OR, depending on your installation:
Install Containers
- If these steps are successful, the help will be displayed
- Install all or only specific containers by following the instructions, e.g.:
- Search and Install Specific Containers To search for containers that have “itksnap” in the name:
bash itksnap
- Install a Specific Version To install a specific version, (e.g., itksnap version 4.0.2 from 20240117):
./local/ itksnap 4.0.2 20240117
To install all containers with that name:
bash --itksnap
To download all containers (be careful - there are a lot of containers!):
bash --all
Add your containers to lmod
- To add each container to the module search path, run the following:
module use $PWD/local/containers/modules/
- It may be a good idea to add this to your .bashrc if it works. When adding to your .bashrc you will need to replace $PWD to point to the correct path, i.e.
module use ~/neurocommand/local/containers/modules/
- It is very important to also set the SINGULARITY_BINDPATH or the APPTAINER_BINDPATH variable in your .bashrc. This variable must contain a comma-separated list of directories you want to access with the Neurodesk tools.
export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/scratch/,/data/
# OR, depending on your installation:
export APPTAINER_BINDPATH=/scratch/,/data/
#Note: User the correct line depending on your installation. Do not add a directory that does not exist, otherwise the containers will not start!
- Run
ml avail
to see the installed containers at the top of the list (neurodesk containers will take preference over system modules with the same name), run:
module --ignore_cache avail
- Every time you start a new shell you need to run
module use PathToYourContainers
or add this command to you .bashrc file.
GPU support
Some of our containers contain GPU-accelerated applications. Here is an example that runs the GPU accelerated program eddy in FSL:
module load fsl/
export neurodesk_singularity_opts='--nv'
For Lxde desktops
bash --lxde --edit
For Mate desktops
Run bash --init
(or bash --lxde --edit
lxde/mate: Mate
installdir: Where all the neurocommand files will be stored (Default: ./local)
appmenu: The linux menu xml file. (Usually /etc/xdg/menus/****
appdir: Location for the .desktop files for this linux desktop (Usually /usr/share/applications)
deskdir: Location for the .directory files for this linux desktop (Typically /usr/share/desktop-directories)
For desktop menus
sudo bash
to install
Creates symlinks to menu files in installation dir
sudo bash
to uninstall
Removes symlinks
For user-specific desktop menus in a shared Linux environment
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/menus
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/applications
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories
ln -sfn /PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/neurocommand/local/ $HOME/.config/menus
ln -sfn /PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/neurocommand/local/ $HOME/.config/menus
ln -sfn /PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/neurocommand/local/applications $HOME/.local/share/applications/neurodesk
ln -sfn /PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/neurocommand/local/desktop-directories $HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories/neurodesk
To update
1. Update the Neurocommand Repository
First, ensure your local repository is up to date by pulling the latest changes:
git pull
Next, rebuild Neurocommand by running:
2. Update Containers
To update the containers, navigate to the neurodesktop directory and run:
3. Update Specific Modules
Choose the module you want to update for example you want to update mrtrix3/3.0.2 module with the eddy_cuda fix:
~/neurocommand/local/ mrtrix3 3.0.2 20221108 mrview $@