Google Colab
Neurodesk Singularity Containers for Google Colab
WARNING: Google disabled a crucial feature necessary for running containers, and Neurodesk containers currently do not work on Google Colab.
Open a notebook in Google Colab and run the following commands to set up the Neurodesk environment:
import os
os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = "";
os.environ["APPTAINER_BINDPATH"] = "/content"
os.environ["MPLCONFIGDIR"] = "/content/matplotlib-mpldir"
os.environ["LMOD_CMD"] = "/usr/share/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod"
!curl -J -O
!chmod +x
os.environ["MODULEPATH"] = ':'.join(map(str, list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.abspath('/cvmfs/'), x),os.listdir('/cvmfs/')))))
Once this setup is completed you can list the available Neurodesk applications like this:
import lmod
await lmod.avail()
and use applications like this:
await lmod.load('fsl/6.0.4')
This notebook demonstrates how to use all Neurodesk applications in Google Colab:

This is a google colab notebook that shows how to integrate with google drive and contains an example how to run fMRIprep in google colab:
and more examples can be found in our example library