
Use Neurodesk on Bunya (only for researchers with access to Bunya!)

Neurodesk is installed at the University of Queensland’s supercomputer “Bunya”. To access neurodesk tools you need to be in an interactive job (so either start a virtual desktop via Open On-Demand: https://bunya-ondemand.rcc.uq.edu.au/pun/sys/dashboard) or run:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=5G --job-name=TinyInteractive --time=01:00:00 --partition=debug --account=REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_AccountString srun --export=PATH,TERM,HOME,LANG --pty /bin/bash -l

Then load the neurodesk modules:

module use /sw/local/rocky8/noarch/neuro/software/neurocommand/local/containers/modules/
export APPTAINER_BINDPATH=/scratch,/QRISdata

Now you can list all modules (Neurodesk modules are the first ones in the list):

ml av

Or you can module load any tool you need:

ml qsmxt/6.4.1

If you want to use GUI applications (fsleyes, afni, suma, …) you need to overwrite the temporary directory to be /tmp (otherwise you get an error that it cannot connect to the DISPLAY):

export TMPDIR=/tmp 

NOTE: MRIQC has its $HOME variable hardcoded to be /home/mriqc. This leads to problems on Bunya. A workaround is to run this before mriqc:

export neurodesk_singularity_opts="--home $HOME:/home"

If you are missing an application, please contact mail.neurodesk@gmail.com and ask for the neurodesk installation to be updated on Bunya :)

Last modified February 20, 2025: add docker troubleshoot (42fcf4c)